Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Link Analysis Node

On page 126 under the Transactions tab, I would like to add additional comments (highlighted in bold) to the Minimum count and Retain path position options under the Sequence section of the Link Analysis node.

The Sequence section will be available for selection assuming that you have sequence data, that is, a sequence or a time stamp variable, in the active training data set. The Sequence section has the following options for configuring the sequence:

Minimum count: Specifies the minimum number of items that occur, defined as a sequence to the analysis. By default, a sequence is defined by two separate occurrences. For instance, analyzing people visiting various Web pages, setting this option to one will ensure you that you will capture all people visiting various Web pages, even those customers who visit a single Web site.

Retain path position: This option is designed to transform the sequences into links and nodes. Setting this option to Yes will retain the position information of the sequence variable. That is, the nodes will be positioned in the link graph by each sequence that occurs within each sequence variable in the sequence data set. Again, analyzing people visiting various Web pages, setting this option to Yes will instruct the node to retain the order or the paths that were selected to navigate to the particular website.

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